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Job13 : 15
15 Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.
Job was certainly going through a hard place when he penned this verse. I am sure it wasn't some half-hearted statement made on his behalf. Job had been living through this difficult time. I know that it is only one tiny verse, but I really want you to contemplate this verse in light of the story. (It would help if you read some of Job to refresh your mind of the circumstances of which Job had found himself in) In our culture, we have become a "wanting" people. Unfortunately this goes for Christians as well as non-Christians. Our want lists are bigger than some children's "Santa lists." Somehow we have mixed up the Christian message and have made it into a "coke machine" mentality. Many people whom we share the gospel with, come to God expecting Him to "zap" them out of their current rough situation.....this I'm afraid is only a beginning. Then they go along wanting God to be a "genie" granting their every wish. This is not the gospel! God can and does do many great things for His people but He isn't necessarily interested in our" creature comforts" as much as He is concerned with the welfare of our souls. Because of that, many lessons can be learned at the hand of "difficult times." Job had suffered the loss of mostly everything that he held dear. Despite all the loss, he proclaimed...even if I loss my very own life, I will still praise Him!! I can't help but admire the character that shines out of Job's example. It humbles me, because I know the moaning and groaning that I do and I haven't endured the losses he experienced. I know I mentioned my friend, Pam before. She lost her husband this past year. When I look at her resolve to still praise the Lord despite the losses she has endured, I am at a loss for words to express what I feel. I see the depth of relationship she has with the Lord . It causes me to desire that strong of a walk with the Lord, that I, too, will always be able to say (and mean it of coarse) though He slay me yet will I praise Him.
On those days when I feel strong...I will praise Him.
On those days when I feel weak...I will praise Him.
On those days when I feel sick...I will praise Him.
On those days when I feel like giving up..I will praise Him.
On those days when I feel overwhelmed...I will praise Him.
On those days when I feel tempted...I will praise Him.
On those days when I feel strong... I will praise Him.
And the circle of days will go on and on....and I will praise Him!!! Let that be your resolve too!
Joshua 5:13-15 (KJV)
13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?
14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
15 And the captain of the LORD'S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.
Sometimes because we know the end of the story, it desensitizes us to the actual emotions of the story. I try to remind myself that these characters that we revere and honor were just ordinary people with very much the same makeup that we have. Times and customs may change, but the essence of the human heart is the same!
Joshua was going through a tough time. He was the leader of all the Israelites. If you have had any leadership experiences you know how difficult it can be to lead a group of 15-20 people, must less millions of people.
The Israelites were on a journey that was to foster their obedience and faith in God. This wasn't always easy. (Remember, when we read the accounts we usually are quick to judge their failings or lack of faith...because we know the outcome of the story. But how many times do we fail at the same points in our own lives, due to a lack of faith on our part?)
Beginning with Joshua chapter one, we see the pilgrimage of the Israelites. It seems that when they were "comfortable" in their setting, God would say time to move on. Then when they were anxious to move on, God would say time to stay. After experiencing victory, they were ready to conquer the world, and yet God said time for circumcision. This all sounds a bit frustrating, doesn't it?
Not only the people were experiencing varied emotions, I'm sure Joshua was struggling in his own heart at times.
Take some time to read through those few chapters in it like it's the first time you've read it. Try to understand how Joshua was feeling and what he was up against. This will prepare you for the impact of the principles that are mentioned in our text today.
Lamentations 3:21-23
21 This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
22 It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Hope, compassion, and faithfulness are three of the most comforting words I can think of. On account of the Lord's mercies, we have these things. How thankful I am for that!
This verses have spoken volumes to my heart. So often, I open to them and reflect on all that the Lord has done in my life and how undeserving I am.
One of the things that they say is missing in this X generation, is hope. It's a generation growing up without the hope of a bright future. Yet when I turn to God's word, I see that no matter the dimness of the situation, we still have a hope because of Him.
Compassion, do you ever feel that you just wish someone would have compassion on you or what you're going through? I have. Isn't it comforting to know that the Lord looks on us with compassion! He could be a mean, old, hard judge expecting us to "measure up" to the standards in His word, and yet He isn't like that. Instead He looks at us through a heart of compassion, remembering we are but dust. He even goes as far as causing us to have the desire to do what pleases Him. What a loving Father we serve!
Faithful...ah, what a word!! When I think of the faithfulness of God, my heart is overwhelmed. I grew up in an environment that was filled with "conditional love."
I'll love you if....Needless to say, I grew up with a great desire to be accepted and a strong need of approval.
(this certainly has taken a long time to work through...and at times still affects me) Many times I come to the Lord based on my performances or what I feel my expected performance should be, and yet the Lord has proven to me time and time again that He is faithful even if I haven't been. Oh, there's no "big" sins to cover, but all those "little" ones in my heart...all those attitudes that take precedent over the Lord. I am sure you know what I mean, we've all been there , haven't we? Yet He is faithful.
This past year, I watched a close friend of mine lose her husband to an illness. It was an experience that shaped many things in my heart. One of which was, despite the pain, the sadness,and the loss she always would say,"God has been faithful!" I have watched in amazement at her strength in the Lord. And indeed I have seen God being faithful to her in the midst of her deepest pain. As strange as it is to say, this has been refreshing to me.
It has been more than just philosophy or words, it has been a "truth" lived out for me. (thanks Pam!)
As I live my life I want to know that because of the Lord's mercies I have a hope. He is a compassionate Father, and that He is faithful.
Prayer: Father, let this be the goal of our day,to know Who you are. To live out these "truths." That our relationship with you will be so fresh and alive that others will see the "realness" of you. Amen.
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